Monday, March 22, 2010


so excited i could just about explode.  not joking.

quick post so you can see the tim burton mad hatter inspired make-up that beautiful John chose when given the choice between mad hatter or a red-and-black creation.

he's telling me to hurry up because we need to get dinner on the way, so i will come back later and tell you what i used - you can probably work it out by now because i use the same products all the time :P lol.

i did try to tease/backcomb/volumise my hair but as you can see, it was not interested... fail.

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lady gaga!!!!!


  1. May i steal some of your gorgeousness? Did you like Lady Gaga?

  2. hope you have fun!
    it will be amazing i think!
    your so good with makeup
    is it your job?

  3. you're already gorgeous, miss tink!

    cotton socks, i wish makeup was my job!
    it would justify how much monies i spend on it! hehe

  4. Hello when are you becoming a MUA already?! True calling!

  5. oh you went to gaga!! was it amazing?? I'm going this week, on wednesday night! so excited for it, no idea what to wear or anything though! ah xx
