a disclaimer before reading this post:
i had to rush to get to work this morning, so i missed the flattering daytime sunshine that gives a much more realistic view of the colours.. :( boo, so my apologies for this look appearing very monotone and similar to 'ocean eyes'
also, i'm thinking i may need to upgrade to proper camera photography to give you a better idea of the colours... as opposed to using Photobooth like i do at the moment...
my aim was to do a generally green eye to go with my new jumper for work with a grey under-eye shadow to pick up the silver in my new singlet. the look ended up being similar to lady gaga's make-up at this year's Grammies (except less round and dark all over the lid).

i used MAC Bronzer in Golden lightly along/under my cheekbones, then used a bright (almost neon!) pink blush from Lancome very lightly on the apples of my cheeks.
i lined my lips with hot pink liner from Chi Chi and used the MAC Viva Glam Gaga lipstick.
i am still in two minds about whether this lipstick actually suits me/looks good, or if i just love it because it's Gaga...

- Urban Decay Drink Me, Eat Me (shimmery pinky-gold colour, a bit more orange than MAC Naked Lunch)
- Chanel Les 4 Ombres in #16 Murano
- light green just on the eyelid (under the brow bone)
- dark green on outer corner/'V' of eyelid and blend up through crease
- mid-green blended up from those colours over brow bone and out toward the end of the eyebrow - i was trying to keep it round, but it ended up in a point
- highlight between eyebrow and brow bone with Urban Decay White Rabbit (glittery white)
- using your finger, pat some more Drink Me, Eat Me in the inner corner, around your tear duct
- line your water line with MAC Eye Kohl in Smolder (or any black)
- using and angle brush take the dark green from the Chanel palette and smudge eyeliner under the outer third of the eye, drawing it up and past the outer corner to give you a guide for your liquid eyeliner 'flick'
- follow the dark eyeshadow line, using a black liquid liner (MAC Penultimate Liner), back over the outer third of your lashline - in line with the outside of your iris - adjust so it's a smooth curve
- go over the liquid liner, either with black or dark green shadow, to set it in place
You look beautiful, I wish I had the co-ordination to do sexy eyes. Your blog comment made me want to change my blog title to "weather mash up"... I shall save this for (literally) a rainy day. ♥